How to Make a Science Fair Project Display That Really Rocks

The letters EFGH will guide you to a smashing display. E for Enthusiasm. F for Fun, G for Go for it, H for Honesty.

Your presentation should clearly show what you did and what you learned. The science project display tells the whole story of your science project. But most important of all, make it appealing. Use lots of photos. Be graphic. Use short terse headlines that really pop out. Don't be boring. Make your display interesting.


Your super display board shows your ideas and experiments

How to Make a Science Fair Project Display That Really Rocks

Make certain that you know all of rules regarding size and other details. The display board will often be a three sided unit that is mounted on the top of a table. You can either buy one at some office supply or art store or make it yourself. They are usually 3 feet tall and four feet wide made of a light but sturdy board.

The center panel can be the most important part of the display.

The title of your school science project should be displayed on the top of the center panel in lettering sufficiently large to be seen from about 15 feet away. It should contain a list of the materials, apparatus, and procedures you pursued in your project to test the hypothesis. You should make certain that you give the viewer a blow by blow description of how you performed the tests. Photos are often interesting and do not be afraid to use them. All of your graphic materials should be displayed in a professional manner including all tables, graphs and charts. Do not overcrowd. Leave space between display materials. Leave appropriate room for signs.

Your hypothesis should be on the left panel. Here you also want to include information about the research materials you used such as internet sites, books, articles and similar material.

Results and conclusions usually go on the right panel. If you ever thought of doing the project over, here is a good place to state just what you would do.

The table area in front of the display is where you want to place your journal, any abstract materials, your project report, and any three dimensional models you might have. Make certain that you carefully explain how you used the scientific method to arrive at your hypothesis.

Make certain that you follow any rules your teacher or the science fair gives you.
The information above is just a guide. Do not be afraid to do something original.

Do not dress for science fair like you would to paint the house. Be neat, clean, wear a shirt and tie, and a jacket would be nice too. Girls should dress nicely, not too fancy. Do not wear jeans or t-shirts. Review your presentation at home for practice. Review write ups of what the judges are looking for so that you can anticipate some of their questions.

Some basic display tips include making certain that everything is properly squared and not haphazard.
Your lettering should be similarly straight and neat. Larger type should be used for headlines and smaller type for descriptive information. And be sure to bring stuff for last minute touch up such as erasers, tape, colored pencils and the like

Remember the four letters of the alphabet: E F G H
When presenting at science fair, these four letters will help guide you through.

E - stands for ENTHUSIASM. Be enthusiastic. Be up, not down. Make everyone around believe that you are really pleased to be showing at science fair

F - have FUN. If you are not happy being at science fair, presenting your display, no one else will be. Keep a smile on your face. Have a sense of humor. Don't get up tight.

G - G stands for Go for it! You have been working for weeks, perhaps months to get where you are today. Let it all hang out. Be proud of what you have done.

H - H is for Honesty. Don't hem and haw about any answers to the judges. Be forthright and upstanding. Tell the truth. If they ask a question and you do not know the answer, say "Sorry sir, or ma'am, I don't know."

To find over 300 award winning science fair projects visit They are all available on line so that you can get them in just a minute or two.

How to Make a Science Fair Project Display That Really Rocks

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