WaTSA Formal Performance (Midnight Minnal 2011: Thaaliyae Thevaiyillai)

WaTSA Formal Performance (Midnight Minnal 2011: Thaaliyae Thevaiyillai) Video Clips. Duration : 21.57 Mins.

Disclaimer: No copyright infringement intended with songs/instrumentals used in this performance video. Intro & Outro Song: Ada Siriki - DJ Icykle On March 25, 2011, WaTSA collaborated with LUTSA & TSAG in hosting their Annual TSA Formal at the St. George Banquet Hall in Waterloo, ON (Midnight Minnal 2011: Thaaliyae Thevaiyillai). Here we have the Waterloo Warriors' performance, which acts as the climax/feature presentation to the promotional material released back in March 2011 prior to the Formal itself. Look out for our promo videos if you haven't seen it already! The release is undoubtedly long overdue and we apologize for that; reasons for the delay were out of our hands. Thank you for your understanding. Special thanks goes out to Atrium Pictures for filming our performance! Video: Atrium Pictures www.atriumpictures.com Edits WessTigga www.facebook.com

Tags: watsa, waterloo, tamil, students, association, university, of, atrium, pictures, thaaliyae, thevaiyillai, midnight, minnal, 2011, performance

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